A beacon of faith, hope, and love in the heart of Brecon
At St Mary’s Brecon, we believe that Christ Jesus offers us a life so abundant that even death loses its sting. That life is also a love that compels us to live well with God, his creation, and our neighbours. So, we try to be a joyful place where people can be fed by love in order to grow through love into an ever-deepening union with the God who is Love. We do this through prayer and worship, by growing in wisdom and understanding, and by dedicating ourselves to the good of our neighbours.

Worship at St Mary’s
10.00am First Sunday of the month
9.30am Other Sundays
11.00am Tuesdays
The Christian community is rooted in prayer and worship through which we come into the presence of the God who is love (1 John 4.16). St Mary’s has an unbroken tradition of worship stretching back to the twelfth century.
Upcoming Events at St Mary’s
Listen to our story.
The Brecon & Radnor Express came to hear our story and to report on the exciting things happening at St Mary’s. Between 2022 and 2023, the worshipping community at St Mary’s caught fire, growing significantly in Sunday attendance and launching new ministries while also becoming a warm, welcoming, and loving community of faith. Combining traditional Anglican worship with a relaxed atmosphere and friendliness, we offer a little of the old and the new, the ancient and the modern. We think this helps people to belong in a way that roots them into our historic faith and in the community where we live.
You can also listen to a podcast about St Mary’s here.
Striving to love God and our neighbours
About us
St Mary’s Buckingham Tower - the finest in Powys - dominates the landscape, making it the most prominent building in Brecon. Following our Benedictine forbears, we hope to provide a place of prayer and refreshment where all are welcome. In so doing we are a living witness to the Good News offered by Our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Tower Cafe
The Tower Café offers a warm Benedictine welcome to all its customers. Situated within the glorious setting of St Mary’s Church, the café sits at the geographical heart of this Welsh market town. With its garden available during the summer, we offer the only available green space open to the public where you can while away an afternoon watching the world go by.
Brecon & Epynt Ministry Area
St Mary’s Church works with other local parish churches within a wider ministry area that includes twenty other churches. We believe that by working together and sharing our resources, we can more effectively serve God and our neighbours in Brecon and the surrounding villages and communities.
St Mary’s also makes its building available for other Christians. TimeOut is a safe place to explore the Christian faith and develop and deepen a relationship with God. Join them on Sundays at 11am for an informal 40 minute service, suitable for families.