‘To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.’
- 1 Corinthians 12.7
Come serve with us.
Prayer & Worship
The foundation for all that we do is set firmly in prayer and worship, where we come to the Father, through Jesus our great high priest, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The two main pillars of our spiritual life together are the 9.30am Sunday and 11.00am Tuesday Eucharists. These underpin the daily prayer we say each morning at 9.00am. Some also gather each Tuesday evening at 5.00pm for a time of meditation. Finally, we regularly undertake retreats and pilgrimages, either as a parish community or as part of the wider Diocesan family.
Serving & Caring
The Love that created and redeemed us also compels us to love our neighbours as ourselves. At St Mary’s we seek to fulfil Jesus’ command ‘to love, even as I have loved you’ through attentive pastoral care to the sick, suffering, the isolated, and others in need.
We also use St Mary’s position in the heart of Brecon as a centre for collecting and promotion. We recently hosted an increasingly-needed Baby Bank and helped to draw people’s attention to the plight of refugees. We also encourage the use of our space by local charities.
Christianity is about community. We are the Body of Christ, the gathered people of God, a fellowship of love. Being a Christian is thus as much about belonging as it is about belief. Whatever we do, we try to do it together as a community. And as a community being shaped by God’s love, we reach out to the local community in service and faithfulness.
Thanks to our successful Tower Café, St Mary’s Church is also a place that promotes community in the heart of Brecon. We have become a place where new relationships are continually formed and friendships nurtured.
Children & Youth
During the past year, one of St Mary’s great successes has been the development of children and youth work. Much of this has been done in partnership with TimeOut and others as a base for the Brecon Ministry Area’s children’s and families’ ministry. Recently, we have held highly successful days such as a widely attended Easter Egg Hunt and a Messy Jubilee. Our clergy are also actively involved in local schools, leading weekly collective worship, creating educational opportunities, and even teaching them how to play American football.
Formation & Study
There can be little spiritual growth and maturation without study and reflection. We seek to grow in Christ through thought-provoking sermons, bible studies, Zoom study groups, and away days.
Our weekly bible study attracts 20-25 people from across the churches in Brecon. It is a time for deep reflection and friendly conversation. It is led by Fr Mark and meets each Monday at 3.00pm. We also have a monthly book club that reads and discusses novels non-fiction, poetry, and devotional books.